A Flattering Caricature

Dickens preferred caricatures of himself to serious portraits. This example commemorates his visit to Edinburgh, where he was lauded at a banquet. Dickens was smug about his youthful appearance at the dinner: ‘my brown flowing locks’ surrounded by grey heads. The caricature depicts him as he wanted to be seen: a literary ‘lion’ (complete with mane) bowing before his public. The pencil additions of Walter Scott and Shakespeare flatteringly suggest Dickens is their successor.

Object in focus: print of Dickens being received by the Edinburgh literati

Unknown artist, print of Dickens being received by the Edinburgh literati,
with later pencil additions, 1841.
DH848 © Charles Dickens Museum.
Purchased with support from the National Heritage Memorial Trust, the Art Fund, Friends of the National Libraries and the Dickens Fellowship.

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