Support us

The Charles Dickens Museum is an independent museum and registered charity. We receive no government funding and therefore rely on the generosity and goodwill of those who support us.
Support can range from one off donations, joining our Friends programme or volunteering your time here at the Museum. All types of support are valued and help us realise a wide variety of projects and activities.
Contributions can be made at the Museum during your visit or at any time online. Find out more.
From just £40 you can become a Friend of the Charles Dickens Museum and play a vital part in supporting everything that we do. Find out more.
Would you like to be involved in the Charles Dickens Museum? Find out how you can provide hands-on support for our various activities. Find out more.
Trusts & Foundations
Find out about the generous support we receive from Trusts and Foundations. Find out more.
Lost Portrait Appeal
A special thank you to all those who supported our Lost Portrait Appeal and aided us in saving the beautiful miniature portrait for the nation. A full list of donors can be found here