Easter Opening Hours!

We're delighted to say that we are open the whole of the Easter bank holiday weekend.

Thursday 6th April - Open 10am - 5pm, last entry at 4pm. 

Good Friday 7th April - Open 10am - 5pm, last entry at 4pm. 

Easter Saturday 8th April - Open 10am - 5pm, last entry at 4pm. 

Easter Sunday 9th April - Open 10am - 5pm, last entry at 4pm. 

Easter Monday 10th April - Open 10am - 5pm, last entry at 4pm. 

Tuesday 11th April - Closed. 

From Wednesday 12th April we return to our normal opening days / times, which is Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm with last entry at 4pm. 

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