Explore the museum
Discover Dickens through his work, his home and the things that mattered to him most

The Love That Never Was

This jug was once owned by Charles Dickens, then later by Annie Thomas, the heroine of this story.

There were times during Charles and Wilkie’s friendship where differing opinions on literary ideals, personal relationships, and clashing social and political views created points of contention.

Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins were both keen performers.

Charles Dickens often collaborated with his friend Wilkie Collins.

Mutual Friends: The Adventures of Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins

Did Charles Dickens believe in Ghosts? The Evidence
Did Charles Dickens believe in ghosts? The evidence.

Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens
Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens

The Pickwick Papers Summary
The Pickwick Papers synopsis

The Pickwick Bicycle Club
The Pickwick bicycle club.

Dickens and LGBT+
There are a surprising amount of references to LGBT+ characters in Dickens's writings.

The Christmas Sports by Lucinda Dickens Hawksley
In this article, Lucinda Dickens Hawksley discusses one of her favourite items in the museum’s collection; a poster printed in 1866 advertising a day of “Christmas Sports at Mr Charles Dickens’s Cricket Field”.

Where did Dickens go to the toilet?
At 48 Doughty Street we are regularly asked about how water and waste was dealt with by the Dickens family in the 1830s: Where did Dickens go to the loo? How did the family bathe? Did they have running water? This article is an attempt to address some of those questions.